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Fairy Tale










STORIES stories not only about love and friendship


icon 12.09.2012 icon 6x icon 4305x
The car passed one tree after another, Lucy was watching idly the chestnut trees on the side of the road through a car window. The branches swayed in the breeze. Peter's face was focused in expression like he's well-aware of that the fate both his and his wife is in his...
icon 12.09.2012 icon 5x icon 6346x
Calm of the bobbing in the local woods is real balm for the soul. Leaves are dancing in the wind and the sounds of frisky forest animals illustrates perfectly the atmosphere of peaceful forest. Roads like losing track of own purpose. They start somewhere and soon disapp...
I can’t keep going back to him anymore. I can’t stay locked in my room all day hiding. People noticed the change. They noticed the bruises along my arms. The ones on my neck. With just the slightest touch, they hurt. I can’t run my fingers over them or even bare to glan...
How is it that things could change in the blink of an eye? It’s not possible is it? Everything was fine. Everything was the way it’s always been. Then it just changed. All of it. Micah and I were happy. We were together for three years. I was in love with him, and h...
Edgar Allien flag
icon 04.09.2012 icon 5x icon 4000x
The most intense memories are not encouraged by eyes but by other senses especially smell, taste or touch. If I experience something the event is associated with the current smell. If I feel that smell later I can remember the experience.House of my childhood do...
Edgar Allien flag
icon 04.09.2012 icon 5x icon 2702x
Watchtower on Hell peak is a sprout of woody cubism on ground elevation 487 of iberian hilldiabolical mostly by its name.On the north foothillthe Hell itself lieswhile mosco just few miles southwestpokes alongThe theme of the ...
icon 16.08.2012 icon 7x icon 2750x
The last of the lights on the lower level of the small two story house were turned off. The family of four walked up the cream colored carpeted stairs to the second floor. The oldest daughter, Clara had already had her shower and little Mallory had been given a bath by...
SadLisa flag
icon 12.08.2012 icon 7x icon 4808x
Several weeks passed when Peter met his lovely Jennifer. They went together on trips to the cinema for a movie but their lips have never met yet. Peter was so shy unable to overcome his shyness to make a first step and kiss her.It was another beautiful s...
SadLisa flag
icon 12.08.2012 icon 4x icon 4733x
Her name was Jennifer. She had beautiful long hair that reached her middle back. Her blue eyes were like wells and Peter always saw a small sparks in them. She was Peter's love, his tenderness. Every time he saw her his eyes lit up. He used to meet her twice a ...
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