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Fairy Tale









Her hair_part 2
icon 12.08.2012 icon 7x icon 4809x
Several weeks passed when Peter met his lovely Jennifer. They went together on trips to the cinema for a movie but their lips have never met yet.

Peter was so shy unable to overcome his shyness to make a first step and kiss her.

It was another beautiful spring day when Peter and Jennifer decided to go on a trip to the nearby castle ruins. They held hand in hand and marched up the hill. When they passed about 5 kilometers Petr offered Jennifer water to drink. His hand touched her face and Jiennifer smiled at him sweetly. Peter knew this was the right time to kiss her for the very first time.

She had that lovely expression in her eyes again! Peter felt her good smelling breath when their lips get closer. Finally their lips met and Petr embraced Jennifer and pressed her gently but tightly to his body.

This new feeling vibrated their bodies so they sat down to the grass and kissed, perhaps forever.

Peter and Jennifer loved each other truhly and passionately. Despite that their wonderful relationship lasted just until they finished high school. After graduation they separated and followed their own ways. Never seen each other anymore. But their beautiful moments will be never forget.
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