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Fairy Tale









Her hair_part 1
icon 12.08.2012 icon 4x icon 4735x
Her name was Jennifer. She had beautiful long hair that reached her middle back. Her blue eyes were like wells and Peter always saw a small sparks in them.

She was Peter's love, his tenderness. Every time he saw her his eyes lit up. He used to meet her twice a week, on the way to school canteens. She had probably a similar schedule as Peter did.

Peter was very shy so it made him big problem to ask her out.

However, one day, Peter heroically stood before her and told her: “Hi, my name is Peter and I would like to invite you to the candy store.”

There was a speechless moment when Peter was waiting for an answer that seemed never will come. But finally she looked at him and said: “Yes, I'll go with you tonight.”

Peter was so happy! He grabbed Jennifer´s hand without planning. She seemed a bit surprised but Peter saw she liked his friendly touch.

Jennifer said goodbye to Peter with beautiful smile that Peter returned by the blink of an eye.

In the evening they met at the arranged place and went together to the candy store. They had a huge cup of ice cream. They arranged another date at the end of the meeting and began to meet regularly. To be continued.
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