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Fairy Tale









The Other Station
icon 12.09.2012 icon 6x icon 4308x
The car passed one tree after another, Lucy was watching idly the chestnut trees on the side of the road through a car window. The branches swayed in the breeze. Peter's face was focused in expression like he's well-aware of that the fate both his and his wife is in his hands. She looked at him, leaning her elbow on the armrest of their used Ford. If she hasn't been married for fifteen years, perhaps she could have believed the expression of his face. She put her hand on his thigh.

"Well, don't be angry anymore" she tried to break the ice. She was worried about their daughter. For the first time in five years of the baby's life, they had to get a nanny. Peter was mad because of Lucy's sister. She was appointed a week ahead to watch after their daughter, but unfortunately her penchant for men was often stronger than the ties to her own family. So it happened that she renounced the babysitting at the last minute which bring a tense atmosphere between the spouses.

"I know you're afraid, neither I do feel too comfortable. But if just your sister was able to take her time instead of seeking the the guys, there wouldn't be a reason to guess."

Silent, she was fed up with the constant quarrels and did not want to add more gas into the fire, and rather kept staring through the window.

"I can not wait to have a dewy stout with Paul, this heat makes one crazy", and gripped the steering wheel as like as if he draft a pint.

"That's typical," she increase her voice. "have a beer and nothing else to care."

Word led to another and those two few years after trey fondly said "yes", and they were again on the battlefield. The main weapons were harsh words in hand with leaking old injustices onto the light of the day. This freshly induced quarrel had unfortunately resulted on Peter's attention. His emotions were driving now. Turning his head again and again to Lucy, trying to add his arguments some severity.

"Watch ahead!" She screamed in horror with her hands crossed on face.

Peter swerved the steering wheel in the last moment to avoid a collision with oncoming vehicle. This instinctive maneuver save them from a frontal collision. But now an uncontrollable skid come about unable to be compared. There was no return. Avenue of trees, a penchant for Lucy's view turned this moment into an imaginary gateway to the other world. In an instant a terrible bang echoed followed by a sound of crushing sheet. Car bonnet copied the tree trunk with frightening symmetry.

Soft breeze was blowing out tiny leaves down of a crumpled wreck. The gravy silence accompanied this scene of human vanity.

Peter opened his eyes with great exertion. He could not move, his eyes scanned the surroundings around him what spent all his forces. He was lying in a hospital bed, next to his wife who was linked to pulmonary ventilation. The blood was leaking through the wrapped gauze around her head. He looked away. He did not want believe that he caused this condition to his beloved wife.

"We were drowning in banalities and this is how it ends."
A tear was running down his cheek.

The handle of the room clicked. A middle aged man wearing a white coat came in and approached the bed. He was accompanied by an elderly man in a dark jacket. Man in white put his hand on Peter forehead.

"Do not worry, everything will be good,"
said a sooth voice.

"So how does it look? It's time!" Muttered the older man towards the doctor.

"I think it wouldn't be a problem. The vital organs were preserved."

"I'm still shaking, not to far and these two could kill me".

Elderly man scratched his beard.
"Money will certainly make up this annoying tremor in your hands." he laughed.

"Well, hurry up, don't let our customers wait too long for their new life."

Man was leaving the room slowly and stopped with his hand on the handle. He turned to the younger man. "Oh, and then, there is the little girl waiting, I have told you about."

"What a strange parents these days, they don't even know who is their baby sitter."
He shook his head and left the room.

After hearing this, Peter gathered all his last strength. He tried to break the leather straps encircling his limbs. And then he catch the approaching hand with syringe in a sight of his eye.

"Don't worry. It won't hurt. I'm not doing this for the first time" grinned the other man.
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