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How did penguins get tails





Fairy Tale









How did penguins get tails
icon 10.08.2012 icon 5x icon 4541x
Far far away at the North Pole there lived a grandmother and grandfather. They had a huge flock of ducks and geese. Once they decided to paint fence around their gaarden to black.

Ducks and geese were splashing in the melted snow while one of them slipped and felt into the black paint. All the other ducks and geese have much fun about that.

But the black one was happy about its new color. It walked proudly and said to everybody: "Look at me how nice tails I have!"

Grandma and Grandpa started the duck call "penguin". At least they could see it on the snow better.

But the duck was too much proud of itself and decided to stop lay eggs.

Grandmother and grandfather realised the uniqueness of duck climbed to its head. So they took the unwashable black color to paint all the other ducks and geese.

And since that time there is so many penguins at the North Pole. And if grandmother and grandfather havent died, they live happily ever after and paint the geese and ducks untill today.
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